Beginner Skates – Quad Skates – Inline Skates -Parts – Accessories – Cool Shirts and Clothing

From a child’s first pair of over-the-shoe Zippies…to fun Jam or Dance skates…to Blades for gliding out in the summer sun…to competitive professional skates–we can assist you!
We sell and service regular and inline skates Whether you want an economical pair your child can expand as they grow, or skates that you can count on for quality and years of performance, we have a wide selection available. Our skates have replaceable and repairable parts and they are suitable for use in the rink, unlike many others we have seen.

We sell skates from reputable sources that have been dealing exclusively and directly with roller skating rinks for many years.
We also sell parts and accessories skateboards.

See the links below for example product catalogs.
Some items we have in stock. Call or visit us for pricing and guidance.
Skate Catalogs: Here are some options of Skates, Accessories, and Clothing we can provide.
Catalog pricing and availability may differ from ours. Be sure to ask us!

- RC Sports (See their online catalog.)
Call us at (208)734-5455, email us, or stop by.